A little about ourselvesOur keywords: #augmented comics, #entertainment
Half-way between a publishing company and a software producer, Niwaen was founded in 2014 and fully operates in the field of digital entertainment with special regard to interactivity and multimedia. It enjoys the benefits of a start-up but on its inside the most innovative ideas are combined to the skills of almost 20 years of experience. The company main project is a leading edge software suite, a set of apps for making, publishing and reading what we like to call comics 2.0 or, even more simply, hyperCOMIX! COMICS 2.0 Our hypercomix is an augmented version of paper comics. Being a digital production to be consummed on mobile devices, it allows to add contents to pages that wouldn't be available in a paper based product, such as sounds, language options, parallax effects, short animations, interactive minigames. Comics become alive and augmented, while keeping faithful to the original media. The result is an enhanced and unique reader's experience, where digital comics, animation and videogame are mixed together. |